Welcome to168体彩网:澳洲幸运5开奖结果号码查询 澳洲5开奖结果历史+开奖官网直播记录 Little Stars Preschool

We offer educational daycare programs for toddlers and preschool children in the Oakland and east bay areas. We are committed to providing a safe, caring and nurturing learning environment for your children. We’re not just a Nursery school, instead, we provide a high quality, developmentally appropriate program in which children are encouraged to develop and blossom. Our daily practices have consistency and incorporate emergent curriculum which stimulates each child’s unique interests, curiosity and sense of discovery.

mom with her cute little baby

Infant Program -Baby Sitters

The beginning of wonderful pre-school memories starts in our "Baby Stars” infant room, a safe and nurturing "home away from home”, where they can explore and make new discoveries.

little girl doing painting


At this age, children are meeting new challenges as fast as they come. Crawling, walking and eventually running are levels they accomplish in what seems like a blink of an eye.

cute little girl eating sandwich


A good preschool can make a difference in a child's future school years. We offer individual programs for children to help them learn in an environment that is stress free and fun.

happy kids


As children get older and more independent, they need new challenges. That’s why we offer a school-age program for before and after school care and enrichment...


澳洲幸运5开奖结果号码查询手机版 Our GOALS

  • To provide an enjoyable and rewarding experience in a school setting.
  • To nurture a positive self-image in each child.
  • To provide the opportunity for creative self-expression through play, music and art.
  • To develop each child’s social skills of sharing, helping and interacting with others.
  • To teach children to understand and accept responsibility for their own behavior.
  • To offer curriculum areas of creative arts, science, math, language, imaginative play, and gross and fine motor skills.
  • To prepare children to enter kindergarten, including teaching independence and self-help skills along with full visual alphabet recognition.


At Little Stars Preschool we believe appropriate early education is of the utmost importance. It can create the foundation for a happy and successful student life in kindergarten for many years to come. The goal of our preschool is to provide a loving, and supportive environment which fosters a sense of self esteem, creates direction, and teaches cooperation with others.

Send your Referrals

Little Stars Preschool will be so glad to receive your recommendations. Would you like to recommend a fellow parent to our programs?


Set an Appointment

We invite you to visit 澳洲2024幸运5开奖结果历史查询记录 幸运五分168官方开奖查询网站 Little Stars Preschool and tour around the facility. You can also consult with our administrator during your visit. Set a schedule here.


Upcoming Events

More exciting events will be posted soon. Visit the Little Stars Preschool website often for schedules.


Contact Information

169 14th St. Oakland, CA 94612 View Map and Directions »

Phone: 510-286-9800 Administrator: 510-567-4506 Email: [email protected]

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